Santa Cruz County 

Horsemen's Association

   Click here to become a member today!   Already a Member?  Renew here!

Founded in 1944, the purpose of the Santa Cruz County Horsemen's Association (SCCHA) is to promote interest in horses and horsemanship, and to bring people together to share this common interest. As a group, we aid and support activities concerning the welfare of horses, and acquire, build & maintain equestrian trails in our community. For more information see our Club History page.

  The club includes over 500 members.  While most members live in or near Santa Cruz we are fortunate to also welcome members from the Sierras, Central & Southern California, and even other states.  The membership year runs April 1 to March 31. Regardless of when they join, new members enjoy membership benefits through March of the following year. Membership Dues support club events and educational activities, facility maintenance, improvements, supplies, and utility costs, as well as local trail maintenance and our monthly newsletter.

Located just north of Santa Cruz, the Showgrounds is approximately 20 acres, with 2 competition arenas, 2 round pens, large campground, separate day-use parking, and a spacious clubhouse overlooking the grounds. SCCHA’s campground offers 46 pipe-panel corrals, plenty of shade, plus unlimited access to trails in Henry Cowell State Park. 

Trotting Track and Obstacle Course

Benefits of Membership 

  • You're In!  Members enjoy virtually unlimited access to the showgrounds via a members-only Gate card.  There is ample parking for rigs to camp in the campground and day use parking near the arenas.  Turn-outs allowed in the Large Arena so your horse can play for a bit before going home or on your next trail ride. 

  • Horse camping!  With 45 pipe-panel corrals members camp for free - Reservations are required.!  Bathrooms and showers are located in the clubhouse, right next to the campground.  A Manure Bunker is provided too, plus wheel-barrows & forks.  
  • Guests - Members can bring two (2) *** temporary program in effect to allow 4 guests per member (trial period summer of 2023) *** guests to the showgrounds, to enjoy a ride or camp overnight with their horse.  (Guest fee: $10/day for day use; or $25/night to camp.  Guests must sign the liability waiver and display a guest parking pass.)  Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcome at no extra charge. 
  • Juniors - Minors can join the club too!  Juniors are welcome with or without a horse, and are welcome to attend all club events PLUS all Junior Program activities along with any adult member of the club.  Minors who are part of a Family Membership are also welcome in the Junior Program.
  • Trails - Ride from the campground into Henry Cowell State Park Redwood forest for free.  Trails thru Cowell connect to Pogonip County Park and Wilder Ranch State Park.  Most trails are shaded, choose from single-track or wide fire roads and enjoy the view!
  • Events - The club hosts numerous event each year, including clinics, the Fireworks Endurance Ride, gymkhanas, obstacle events, pony club camps, and play days.  Members can participate, volunteer, or attend an event to watch fellow equestrians in all kinds of interesting disciplines.  
  • Social Time - Get together & visit at the club's monthly meeting.  Usually includes a guest speaker, but mostly an opportunity to connect with folks who share your love of horses.
  • Newsletter - Members receive a monthly newsletter via e-mail, including club news plus information about local events, pictures and stories contributed by members, and our "Trading Post" for members listing horse-related items for sale.
  • Website - Members can view the club calendar, register for events online, & access member-only content (like the club's membership directory) from the convenience of a home computer, tablet or phone. 
  • CSHA - Members of SCCHA are automatically affiliate members of California State Horsemen's Association (CSHA), Region 6.
  • Volunteer - Members are encouraged to volunteer on committees, events, and at one of the club's workdays where we work on our facility and/or trails.  Meet interesting people & advance your own horsemanship interests by volunteering with SCCHA!
  • Support - Membership dues and donations support the showgrounds, trail maintenance activities, and educational activities like the club's Junior program and scholarship.  

Note:  No membership proration.  No membership refunds.  

Santa Cruz County Horsemen's Association

1145 Graham Hill Road, Santa Cruz CA 95060


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