SCCHA adult Members choose who will serve on the Board of Directors by voting in person on March 19 @ the clubhouse, 6:30pm. This year we have 10 folks running for 8 Director positions; and 3 folks running for officer positions (President, Treasurer, Secretary).
Candidates have each provided a statement for your consideration prior to the vote, listed below.
Click here to view a summary of Board of Director duties
Candidates are listed alphabetically, *denotes a current board member.
Karen Bish – President*
I am a lifelong horsewoman and current SCCHA President. My past career as a Program Manager and my current career as a Real Estate Agent require skills that have helped me in many ways this year. Both included helping people choose among multiple desires and priorities in order to take positive action toward a common good.
This past year my biggest passion for SCCHA was to reach out to the membership to ensure that every step the board takes and every penny we spend is directed towards the betterment of the club and the support of our members to fully enjoy their membership. Our current board members came together and made significant progress towards that end. We’ve become a team and we’ve learned what the job takes and how to work together to make things happen. I’d like to be considered to return as club president and continue that progress and make 2019 the best year yet.
Debbie Boscoe*
Hello! I have been an SCCHA board member for 5 years and am currently Vice President. My association with the club began with the Fireworks Ride (I’ve managed it for a number of years now) and has steadily grown: I am on the Trails Committee, helping keep our trails open and liaising with other parts of the community to open up new ones; I am on the election committee; I helped setup our website and automate many activities; I routinely help with events as they come up, in support of other board members and our great club membership. I heartily agree with other board members in that we’ve had a stellar year, making physical improvements and growing our membership.
If re-elected, I look forward to working on a Capital Funds Raising committee so we can continue to make improvements: stay tuned for more info on this! And of course, there is always the Fireworks Ride, July 13th this year. Got time to help? Thanks for your consideration.
Jaime Donato*
Hello, my name is Jaime Donato and I am running for a seat on the SCCHA 2019 board. I have served on the board for two years now and would like to continue.
We are currently working on projects that the membership asked for as a result of the membership survey that went out last year. I would like to see those projects to completion and stay with the current board to manage the completion of those project.
I am the mother of two active boys age 13 and 11. I am a barrel racer and I ride as often as I can. I currently work at General Feed and would appreciate your vote. Thanks
Lorraine Flores
Greetings! I am very much interested in giving my time and energy to the SCCHA Board and all of its activities. I am soon to retire from my career, and have wanted to participate more consistently and regularly with the Association for some time now.
I am a licensed therapist (MFT), have specialties in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), as well as Grief and Loss support to those who have lost a beloved person or pet. I also have been very successful as a grant writer for my agency.
I have had Dancing Horse Stables, located in Felton, for 15 years, have a wonderful horse named Dancer, and am active in our Horse Evacuation team. I have lots of energy, good people skills, and am good at building things, working on the land, and taking on challenges.
Jan Jensen*
I am a life member of both Santa Cruz County Horsemen's Association and USPC/Santa Cruz County Pony Club, and have been involved with both clubs since 1974. I am a Graduate "B" Pony Clubber and have instructed and judged for USPC throughout the nation.
I am currently a member of the SCCHA Board of Directors, among the Grounds Committee and am the Adviser for the Junior Program. My goals for the club are to encourage junior membership, rebuild the cross country course and continue to improve and preserve the facility for use by all members.
I encourage ALL members to get involved with the club by volunteering at events, help maintain the facility at work days or select from our "Honey Do List" that will be posted on the website soon.
Carol Kelly*
I have been on the board for two years now. As your current Event Calendar Secretary I hope to continue to help bring fun, interesting and affordable events that appeal to all our members at Santa Cruz County Horseman's.
One of my initial goals was to bring back The Battle of The Barns. With the full support of the rest of the board I was able to do that. We are going to have the Battle of the Barns again this year with even more fun and challenging events.
By being on the board I hope to assist the other board members with their projects this year such as bringing in new horse shows and trail challenges. Thank you for your support.
Laura Matthews
I have been a horse person for a little over 50 years. My horses have lived with me on our property the entire time so they have been like water and air, essential for my life. My love for horses goes beyond the desire to ride them for sport, they are family to me. When my horses are ready to retire they stay with me until their last breath.
I have over 30 years experience owning my own business, specializing in accounting, finance and computerized systems. I have maintained hundreds of client relationships in a variety of industries.
I’d like the opportunity to give back to the Club that has given me so much throughout the years. Thank you for your consideration.
Robin Musitelli*
I have enjoyed serving on the board in several capacities over the past decade .... President, grounds manager, director and, party maven. I have also planned and/or worked on many events and projects, including Camp Cutloose, Battle of the Barns, Fireworks 30/50, the annual holiday parties, the roundpen, back trail/road and the coming shade structure.
I cherish the horses and their people that have become a large part of my life through SCCHA and truly love sharing the horse life with my grandchildren. I am glad to serve on the board as a way to give back to our equestrian community.
Kathy Rodoni*
Hi, I am running for a seat on the SCCHA Board for the 2019 calendar year. I am a current Board Member and serve on the Grounds Committee. I have 20 plus years experience as a
Manager for AT&T, I’ve managed a small successful boarding facility for almost 20 years, I am the mother of two girls age 12 and 14, and I spend as much time riding horses as I can.
Our current Board has made lots of progress and improvements over the last year as a result of the membership survey that went out last winter. I would love the opportunity to see those projects through in 2019. Thanks for your consideration.
Heather Shupe*
I am a current board member, serving as the club’s membership secretary. I enjoy supporting club activities that bring members together with their horses. I have hosted and volunteered at multiple events, helped launch the club’s website, and like to find ways to help members throughout the year.
In the upcoming year I look forward to facilitating upgrades to the large arena and cross-country course, assisting with the club’s newsletter, supporting membership renewal, and hosting obstacle events at the showgrounds. I respectfully ask for your vote in order to continue serving on the SCCHA Board of Directors.
Steve Shupe – Treasurer*
I have been Treasurer of the SCCHA for the last year. I am married, in my late 50’s and enjoy our three family horses. I have been working to improve the accountability and books of the club. We have made many improvements over the last year and I would like to continue over the next year to keep the ball rolling. I am asking for your vote and support to continue the work. Thank you.
Bonnie Stoehn – Secretary*
Our club/showgrounds is a real gem. It is important that the people who represent the membership, ie board members, are absolutely dedicated to its continued prosperity. Being on the board allows me the opportunity to give something back to the community where I have coached and trained for so many years. I am again running for club secretary. I take seriously the need for keeping an accurate written record of meetings and decisions made. Thank you!
Mary Sullivan*
I have been on the SCCHA board for 14 years, serving as the membership secretary for most of that time. I have also organized a variety of things from horse shows to the St. Jude's Rides at the McCreary's. For the past five years, I have managed the Ride for Relay, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society which has also become a fun event for our youth riders. I look forward to continuing SCCHA efforts to attract young riders.