Santa Cruz County 

Horsemen's Association

SCCHA's Membership year is April 1 - March 31 the following year

  Renew Online Via Credit Card (Follow these steps):

  1.  Log in using your e-mail & password  (Click the Log In Button at the top of the page)

2.  After you log in, access your profile by clicking your  "Name" at the top of the page.  It is highlighted in 'Red'.

3.  After you access your profile:

     Scroll down and Hit the "Renewal to 4/1/202#" button.  <Don't hit the 'Edit Profile' button>. 

     Enter the required fields (Vehicle/Trailer license, Rules and Liability Release Acceptance)

     Enter the discount code if there is a promotion,

     Click the "Update and Next" Button

     Enter the Credit Card Information to make a payment  

Helpful Hints:

Parking Pass:  Have your vehicle/trailer license plate information on hand for your renewal.   

Primary Membership Owner has to log into their profile to do the renewal.  (Not a family member).  There is no renewal button on a family member, only the family administrator can renew online.  If you need your family member changed to the administrator of the account, contact the membership secretary.

Credit Card:  Any Credit Card is fine.  It doesn't have to be the person on the membership.

Changing Membership Type:  If you want to change from Family to Single, Single to Family, or you were a member on a family membership, but now want your own.  please contact the membership secretary.

Family & Junior Memberships:  You will be contacted to sign a liability waiver for all family and junior members.

Renewing with a Lapsed Membership:   If you let your membership lapse from the previous year and you want to renew, please contact the membership secretary.

Email on Record:  You can't login with an email that you didn't record on your membership.  If you need to have your email changed, please contact the membership secretary.

Discount Code:  If applicable, a Discount Code box is displayed just under the acceptance boxes for rules & liability....on your application - Just before you submit and go onto the payment page.

 Renew by Mail

Click here to Print & Mail a Membership Application Form 

Mail signed form with check to:

SCCHA - Membership

1145 Graham Hill Rd

Santa Cruz CA 95060


Renew in person at any club meeting

Club meetings are typically 3rd Tuesday each month, 6:30pm at the clubhouse

Schedule of meetings, guest speakers, and events are published on the club calendar

Key Cards:

Key cards remain active for your current membership period. Key cards are deactivated approximately 15 days after your membership has lapsed.   Keep your key card and avoid paying for a replacement.  Your key card can be re-activated.

If you lose your key card please contact the membership secretary, currently Darren Hawkes  The lost key-card will be deactivated and a new one will be mailed to you. 

Parking Pass:

Your parking pass to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle while you are at the SCCHA facilities.  (Keep it in your glove box when not in use!)  At anytime throughout the year, you can view and print your Membership Card by clicking your profile {Member_Profile_URL}   Or simply print the membership information on a piece of paper.   

Starting 2022-2023 membership period, you will also receive a parking sticker for your inside windshield. 

Membership secretary e-mail:


e-mail us at

    • I want to change my membership level (from Family to Single; Single to Family; Junior to Single)
    • I forgot my password
    • I need to add/delete people from my family membership
    • I want to change my home address, phone, or e-mail address
    • My gate card isn't working or I need a new gate card (buy one in the online store under the Facilities Menu.)
    • I can't print my Parking Pass in my Profile after log in
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software