Santa Cruz County 

Horsemen's Association

In order to protect the SCCHA and County Parks against liability, and provide a policy that supports members’ use of trainers/riding instructors while maintaining a fair balance for all members, trainers/riding instructors who use the Graham Hill Showgrounds must follow the stipulations described below. Trainers/Riding Instructors who schedule and pay for a Clinic at the Showgrounds through the Calendar Secretary have different requirements for the clinic. The Calendar Secretary will inform trainers/riding instructors of these Clinic requirements.

Trainers/Riding Instructors who intend to give lessons at the Showgrounds must meet these requirements before training at the Showgrounds. Questions or clarifications regarding this policy should be addressed with the SCCHA President or a Board Member. Any trainer/riding instructor who does not fulfill all of these requirements is at immediate risk of losing membership.

I      Requirements

(a.) All trainers/riding instructors and each of their clients must be current members of Santa Cruz County Horsemen's Association. Verification of current membership is the responsibility of the trainer/riding instructor. If necessary, contact the membership secretary for membership status.

(b.) Anyone who accepts monetary or other compensation (this includes trading items or services) for giving instruction to riders and handlers must submit a “CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE” naming Santa Cruz County Horsemen’s Association and The County of Santa Cruz as additional insured. Current Liability coverage shall be not less than $1 million.

[1] The following wording must be on the certificate to be valid:

“The Santa Cruz County Horsemen’s Association, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers are additional insured.”
“The County of Santa Cruz, its officers, agents, and employees are additional insured.”

[2] A copy of CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE must be mailed to these two responsible parties:

SCCHA Board – Trainer Records
1145 Graham Hill Rd
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Director, Santa Cruz County Parks Dept.
979 17th Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA. 95062

II      Limitations

(a.) Trainers/Riding Instructors must follow the same club rules set forth for all members and have no additional privileges in the arenas or on the grounds. Unless a trainer/riding instructor schedules and pays for time with the calendar secretary (e.g. a clinic), a trainer/riding instructor may not hold use of an arena for more than ½ hour when others are waiting, unless all agree that the arena can be shared safely and comfortably.

(b.) An individual trainer/riding instructor may not use the arenas for lessons more than 8 hours or instruct more than 8 clients in any week. Additionally, a trainer/riding instructor may not use an arena for instruction more than 5 hours in any day. Extending use beyond these limits is explicitly prohibited.

(c.) Trainers/Riding Instructors may use either of the arenas, provided the arena can be safely shared with others.

III      Annual Fees

Trainer fees apply to trainers/riding instructors who are monetarily or otherwise compensated for lessons to riders and handlers or to train horses, if they do so at the Showgrounds.  Annual fees (in addition to membership) are as follows:

Less than 2 hours in any month:  $0. 

Current Membership and Current Liability Insurance is required as described above. 

More than 2 hours in any month:  $100.  

Current Membership and Current Liability Insurance is required as described above. 

Trainer/Riding Instructor Policy Approved 11/27/07

Revisions Approved 2/26/13, 11/26/19 , 10/24/23 & 1/31/25

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