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Santa Cruz County 

Horsemen's Association

Long time concessionaire Amanda Stewart is retiring from the operation of Stewart Ranch Horse Camp at Pt Reyes National Seashore and moving to greener pastures!  The National Park Service is seeking a short term operator whilst they develop a procedure for awarding a longer term contract.  Stay tuned!

UPDATE 4/10/19:  The NPS is in the process of obtaining approval for a temporary concession contract, including identification of a qualified operator, which will allow services to continue while the NPS develop the longer term contract for operations at this site.  The NPS anticipates operations under the temporary contract to commence sometime in May 2019.

Dear Equestrian Community,

We wanted to let you know that the long-time operator of the horse camp within Point Reyes National Seashore, Amanda Wisby/Stewart Ranch LLC, recently notified the National Park Service that she no longer wishes to operate the facility, and requested to end the concession contract. The park appreciates the long stewardship of the Stewart Horse Camp by Amanda and her family.

While the facility is closed seasonally this time of year, we understand its importance to the equestrian community. The park is currently evaluating options to keep the horse camp open during the 2019 operating season and the prospectus development process. We will provide updates to Marin Horse Council and on social media on next steps as we work through this process. Thank you for your interest in the horse camp and Point Reyes National Seashore.


Point Reyes National Seashore

John A. Dell'Osso

Chief of Interpretation and Resource Education

Point Reyes National Seashore

1 Bear Valley Road

Point Reyes Station, CA 94956



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