Santa Cruz CountyHorsemen's Association |
The Resource Management Plan, released in June 2021, includes 19 miles of multiuse trails. As of March 2023, five miles of trail have been built. Fundraising in ongoing to support construction of the trails. November 2020 update: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking approval for its public access plan for Cotoni-Coast Dairies (C-CD) from the California Coastal Commission, an agency that regulates coastal development. This plan will bring 25 miles of new trails to Santa Cruz County’s North Coast as well as pave the way for long term conservation of this amazing resource. (For more information on the plan, click here.) The property adjoins San Vicente Redwoods where an additional 30+ miles of trails are planned. This presents an opportunity for creating more access and conserving local lands unparalleled in recent decades. Coastal Commission approval of the plan is one of the final hurdles to bringing the plan to fruition. Please take a few minutes to submit a letter to the Coastal Commission in support of the plan to open Cotoni-Coast Dairies to public access. A few minutes of your time will lead to meaningful trail access for a lifetime and generations to come. Please send letters to Larry Simon, Coastal Commission ( by Thursday December 3rd. Please click here for a sample letter |
February 2020 update:
The BLM is seeking public input on an environmental assessment and draft amendment to the Resource Management Plan for the California Coastal National Monument that will provide management direction for Cotoni-Coast Dairies public lands in Santa Cruz County.
There is a 30 day period for public input which will end on March 19, 2020. Comments may be submitted in writing or in person at one of the two scheduled public meetings.
For more info please check out the BLM website:
For a brief synopsis of their draft Resource Management Plan:
To provide input to the BLM:
Snail mail to: BLM Central Coast Field Office, Attn: Cotoni-Coast Dairies, 940 2nd Avenue, Marina, CA 93933
Debbie Boscoe is drafting a letter to BLM on behalf of SCCHA in conjunction with MBOSC. Please copy Debbie ( on your communications with BLM around CCDNM so she can make sure your ideas are represented in this letter.